Tag Archives: Caryl Hart

Leigh Hodgkinson’s super-cool ‘Colin’!

I’ve been meaning to share these books for quite a while, but it’s taken a significant amount of persuasion (and complicated negotiations involving cheese and Fireman Sam outfits) to actually prise them away from the boys during the day. On a side note, I’ve started to notice that both C and H have different preferences […]

‘The Princess and the Peas’, by Caryl Hart, illustrated by Sarah Warburton (plus a bit of waffle about gender specific marketing)

I recently saw a great review of this book over on one of my very favourite blogs, Child-Led Chaos (you can read it here) and the super-lovely Anne-Marie (of Child-Led Chaos) was kind enough to pass on one of her copies.  It’s been one the most sought-after stories in our house ever since. There was another reason I […]