Tag Archives: interactive books

Joining in is jolly good fun!

After the intense excitement and sugar-fuelled adventures of Christmas, the boys are and I are actually quite enjoying settling back into a somewhat calmer routine.  It’s not that we didn’t LOVE everything about the festive season, but more that we’re ready to finish that chapter on a high note and get things back to normal […]

‘In My Tree’ by Sara Gillingham, illustrated by Lorena Siminovich

Having recently found some touch-and-feel books amongst my loft treasures, I wanted to share a newer example from the genre that makes both the boys and I smile.  A LOT. ‘In My Tree’, written by Sara Gillingham and illustrated by Lorena Siminovich, is one in a series of very simple books about animals, their habitats […]

Loft treasure no.6 – vintage Child’s Play books

I recently posted about an amazing book called ‘Rabbityness’ (you can read the post here), which is published by Child’s Play.  I have to confess that I don’t always remember who has published the books that I love and it’s something that I need to start noticing and recording more diligently. Anyway, having clocked the publisher […]