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The New Children’s Author Prize 2015

I spent many a happy hour when I was younger writing stories, making books and generally dreaming about how being an author would be one of the best jobs in the world.  (I also dreamed of being an airline pilot, but quickly realised that that would probably involve less reading of books, less buying of […]

Our reading list – March 2014

A VERY brief round-up post this month, but I didn’t want to get too far into April without posting it 🙂 Here is our Pinterest board for March 2014, which features some gorgeous new books that we’ve discovered and some C and H ‘firm favourites’ that make the list every month! Here is our #300PBs […]

Our reading list – January 2014

So, our first monthly round-up is here.  We’ve actually read more books than I thought, especially as some of the books have been read what feels like HUNDREDS of times.  H is going through a phase of wanting his favourite books lots of times in a row (with barely a pause to catch your breath […]

Our reading list – December 2013

Here’s our last round-up of 2013!  I contemplated doing a top ten list of our favourite books from past twelve months, but we’ve read and loved so very many wonderful books that it was completely and utterly impossible.  Even glancing back over our favourite books from each month would give 36 possibilities and it was […]

Our reading list – November 2013

Despite feeling as though we reread certain books (ALL our Meg and Mog ones, for instance) hundreds of times this month, we’ve still managed to rack up a pretty hefty total.  Now that C brings home a reading book and a library book from school each week and H brings home a book from nursery […]

Our reading list – October 2013

In the interests of being short and sweet (we’re preparing to eat a LOT of ‘trick or treat’ goodies), let’s get straight in there with the full list of books that we’ve read in October, which can be found here on Pinterest. In October, our favourite books were: Me – ‘The Bear’s Song‘ by Benjamin Chaud […]

Illustrated chapter books

Recently, C has started requesting Longer Books.  These books also need to have Lots Of Words.  His interest in exploring life outside traditional picture books actually started just before he moved up to Big School in September, though it has gathered momentum rapidly since then. It seems as though he’s ready for something that he […]

Our reading list – September 2013

Well, the feedback from last month’s post seemed to be that  – hurrah! – there wasn’t much point in me writing mini reviews underneath each of the pictures of the books that we’ve read.  So, without further ado, here is the full list of books that we’ve read in September – it can be found here on […]

Books about starting school

I hope you’ve all been having as wonderful a summer holidays as we have!  So far we’ve made homes for ladybirds, flown to the moon in our rocket, acted out a gazillion deep sea diving scenarios and read pretty much every ‘Alfie’ story Shirley Hughes ever wrote – and that was just before breakfast today […]

Our reading list – July 2013

Here’s the update on what we’ve read this past month, which has been a bumper month for us.  For that reason, we’ve each chosen two favourite books instead of one… 😉 The full list of books that we’ve read can be found here on Pinterest. In July, our favourite books were: Me – ‘Children of the […]